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Pseudo-device “simh-pseudo”

This device is originally implemented as permanently connected to 88-SIO device in simh emulator. It listens to custom, non-standard commands from operating system thus simplifies communication between emulator (host) and running guest system. This device is required if you want to run CP/M operating system images made for simh emulator.


SIMH-pseudo device can be pretty useful also for users of emuStudio. Z80 or 8080 programs communicate with it via port 0xFE.

Some commands sent to the port require parameters, in which case there must be sent multiple bytes. If a command returns anything, the returned value can be read using IN instruction.

List of commands

In case of multibyte parameters or return value, if it’s a numeric value it’s always in a form of little endian.

Command Parameters Return value Description
0 N/A N/A print the current time on stdout, in milliseconds
1 N/A N/A start a new timer on the top of the timer stack
2 N/A N/A stop timer on top of timer stack and print time difference on stdout, in milliseconds
3 N/A N/A reset the PTR device (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
4 N/A N/A attach the PTR device (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
5 N/A N/A detach the PTR device (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
6 N/A 8 bytes ("SIMH004\0") get the current version of the SIMH pseudo device
7 N/A 6 bytes get the current time in ZSDOS format, all BCD values: byte 0: year modulo 100, byte 1: month, byte 2: day, byte 3: hour, byte 4: minute, byte 5: second
8 2 bytes (address of a 6-byte block in memory representing ZSDOS time in format YY MM DD HH MM SS) N/A set the current time in ZSDOS format: reads the time from given address
9 N/A 5 bytes get the current time in CP/M 3 format, all BCD values: bytes 0-1: days since 1 Jan 1978 (low byte), byte 2: hour, byte 3: minute, byte 4: second
10 2 bytes (address of a 5-byte block in memory representing CP/M 3 time in format: 0-1: days since 31 Dec 77, 2: HH, 3: MM, 4: SS) N/A set the current time in CP/M 3 format: reads the time from given address
11 N/A 1 byte get the selected bank
12 1 byte N/A set the selected bank
13 N/A 2 bytes get the base address of the common memory segment
14 N/A N/A reset the SIMH-pseudo device (clears “undefined” state)
15 N/A N/A show time difference to timer on top of stack
16 N/A 1 byte attach PTP device to the file with name at beginning of CP/M command line (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
17 N/A N/A detach PTP device (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
18 N/A 1 byte determines whether machine has banked memory (returns number of memory banks)
19 N/A N/A set the CPU to a Z80 (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
20 N/A N/A set the CPU to an 8080 (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
21 N/A N/A start timer interrupts
22 N/A N/A stop timer interrupts
23 2 bytes N/A set the timer interval in which interrupts occur
24 2 bytes N/A set the address to call by timer interrupts
25 N/A N/A reset the millisecond stop watch
26 N/A 2 bytes read the millisecond stop watch
27 N/A N/A let emulation sleep for 1000 milliseconds
28 N/A 1 byte obtain the file path separator of the OS under which emuStudio runs
29 N/A file names separated by 0, ends with double 0 perform wildcard expansion and obtain list of file names
30 URL (N bytes terminated with 0) max 1024 byte pairs (URL content) in form availability, data (when availability is 1 the data byte is valid) until availability is 0 read the contents of a URL
31 N/A 2 bytes get the clock frequency of the CPU
32 2 bytes N/A set the clock frequency of the CPU. To make effect, CPU must be paused/run again.
33 2 bytes (byte 0: (unused) interrupt vector, byte 1: interrupt data byte, an RST instruction) N/A generate interrupt

How to call a command

Calling a command always starts with an OUT instruction:

ld  a, <cmd>  ; replace "<cmd>" with command number
out (0xFE), a

Then, if a command requires a parameter, it must be supplied with additional OUT instruction(s), depending on how many bytes are expected, as follows:

ld a, <param0>  ; replace "<param0>" with parameter byte 0
out (0xFE), a
ld a, <param1>  ; replace "<param1>" with parameter byte 1
out (0xFE), a
...              ; etc.

After last parameter is recognized by SIMH-pseudo device, the command is executed. Then, if the command returns a result, it must be read with IN instructions, depending on how many bytes are to be returned, as follows:

in a, (0xFE)    ; register A contains first byte of result
...             ; save the byte somewhere
in a, (0xFE)    ; register A contains second byte of result

Note: The program must send/receive all bytes. Otherwise, the device will stay in a state when it “expects” the rest of parameter bytes, or result bytes to be read. It is however possible to “reset” the device by sending a reset command to the device (command 14).