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No software is bug-free in these days, and not a person is perfect. Sometimes it might happen that emuStudio is not working as expected, either it does not start (with a weird message on screen), or it fails while running.

For that purpose, everything important is being logged. If you encounter some problem and either want to fix it or report it, the logs, except steps to reproduce are the most important thing. By default, logging is written to the standard output (console). In case of a problem, it is a good practice to enable file logging.

To enable file logging, open logback.xml file located in the root directory of emuStudio. Find a section named <root ..>, and change appender-ref from STDOUT to FILE as follows:

<root level="debug">
    <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>

The log file is named logs/emuStudio.log. Every new run of emuStudio will append log messages into that file until emuStudio is terminated.

By default, a rolling policy is enabled, which deletes logs older than 2 days and keeps the log in maximum size of 1 MB. It is of course configurable. For more information about how to configure loggers, please look at the logback site.

Automation logger

An important part of the analysis of the result of the automatic emulation is the log saying what happened. By default, each run of automatic emulation creates (overwrites) a log located in logs/automation.log file.

The log file is in plaintext format and contains messages which appeared in the log during the emulation. The log file format can be customized, see the previous section for more details.