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Compiler “raspc-rasp”

RASP compiler has a very simple assembler-like language, consisting of direct reading/writing from/to registers or input/output tape. Also, there are three control-flow instructions. Syntax is very similar to RAM machine, just RASP doesn’t support indirect addressing.

Source code files end with .rasp extension; compiler output uses extension .brasp.

Language syntax

A program written for RASP is composed of three sections, which can be intermixed and repeated in any order, but the preferred order is as follows:

INPUT section
ORG section

Input section

The INPUT section contains definitions the content of input tape - one or more lines in the form:

<input> ITEMS

where ITEMS is a space-separated list of inputs. Each input is one word - it might be any number or string. Strings must be in quotes - single (') or double (").

For example, the input section might be:

    <input> 1 2 3 'hello' 'world!'

In this case, there are five inputs: numbers 1,2,3, then word “hello” and the last one is “world!”. Note floating-point numeric values are not supported.

ORG section

The ORG pseudo-instruction sets the address of the following instruction to a specified value. For example:

org 5   ; sets next address to 5
read 0

By default, if ORG is not specified in the beginning of the program, it is added implicitly as ORG 20. It is because registers in RASP are stored in memory (R0 at address 0, etc.), so this implicit ORG pre-allocates 20 registers.

Instructions section

There exist many variations of RASP instructions, unfortunately, the syntax is not very unified. The reason might be that RASP is not a real machine.

Each instruction must be on a separate line, in the following form:

    [LABEL:] INSTRUCTION [; optional comment]

Each instruction position can be optionally labeled with some identifier (LABEL field), followed by a colon (:) character. The labels can be then referred to in other instructions.

Comments can be one-line or multi-line. One-line comments begin with a semicolon (;), hash sign (#), double-dash (--) or double-slash (//). A one-line comment continues to the end of the line. Multi-line comments start with /* characters and end with */ characters. In-between there can be multiple lines of text, all treated as comment.

An instructions consists of the operation code, optionally followed by an operand separated with at least one space ( ), but not with a newline.

Operation code is expressed as an abbreviation of corresponding operation (e.g. SUB for SUBtraction). An operand can be one of three types: constant (=i), direct operand (i), where i specifies the register index on tape and label, pointing to the address in memory.

The following table describes all possible instructions, usable in the RASP simulator:

Instruction Constant (=i) Direct (i) Label
READ   Ri ← next input  
WRITE output ← i output ← Ri  
LOAD R0i R0Ri  
STORE   RiR0  
ADD R0R0 + i R0R0 + Ri  
SUB R0R0 - i R0R0 - Ri  
MUL R0R0 * i R0R0 * Ri  
DIV R0R0 / i R0R0 / Ri  
JMP     IPlabel
JZ     if R0 == 0 then IPlabel
JGTZ     if R0 > 0 then IPlabel
HALT   halts the simulation  

Code example

For example, this is a valid program:

; N! (factorial)
; Program reads an integer number from the input tape, calculates its factorial and prints the result
; onto the output tape.

org 5 ; reserve 5 registers

;saves the constant 1 into R2 and R3 registers
load =1
store 2
store 3

;reads a number from the input tape
read 1

;if the number is greater than 0, jump to "ok", otherwise, jump to "finish"
load 1
jgtz ok
jmp finish

;the loop to calculate the factorial value
load 3
sub 1
jz finish
load 3
add =1
store 3
mul 2
store 2
jmp ok

;print the result
write 2
