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BrainDuck computer is capable of running automatic emulation. Automation can operate in the interactive or non-interactive mode.

Non-interactive mode

If a --no-gui flag is set, the input and output will be redirected to files, instead of terminal GUI.

Default input file is called and must be placed in the directory from which emuStudio was executed. If the file does not exist, emuStudio will not run.

Default output file is called vt100-terminal.out and it will be created automatically or appended when it exists in the location from which emuStudio was executed.

The input/output file names are configurable, please refer to VT100 terminal documentation.

Be careful of EOLs

Take care of end-of-line characters. Most of brainfuck programs count with Unix-like EOLs, i.e. characters with ASCII code 10. plugin vt100-terminal interprets ENTER key in the interactive mode as Unix-like EOL. In the non-interactive mode, EOL may be of any-like type.


Command line for starting non-interactive automatic emulation:

./emuStudio -cn "BrainDuck" -i examples/brainc-brainduck/mandelbrot.b auto --no-gui
  • computer configuration named “BrainDuck”, file config/BrainDuck.toml, will be loaded
  • input file for compiler is one of the examples
  • (auto) automatic emulation will be executed

This command will show terminal GUI and after the program finishes, emuStudio is closed. The console will contain additional information about the emulation progress:

[WARN] Input file does not exist
[INFO] Starting emulation automation...
[INFO] Emulating computer: BrainDuck
[INFO] Compiler: BrainDuck Compiler, version 0.41
[INFO] CPU: BrainDuck CPU, version 0.41
[INFO] Memory: Byte-cell based operating memory, version 0.41
[INFO] Memory size: 65536
[INFO] Device: VT100 Terminal, version 0.41
[INFO] Compiling input file: examples/brainc-brainduck/mandelbrot.b
[INFO] Compiler started working.
[INFO] [INFO   ] BrainDuck Compiler, version 0.41
[INFO] [INFO   ] Compile was successful.
	Output: /home/emuStudio/examples/brainc-brainduck/mandelbrot.hex
	Program starts at 0x0000
[INFO] [INFO   ] Memory has been cleared.
[INFO] [INFO   ] Compiled file was loaded into operating memory.
[INFO] Compilation finished.
[INFO] Resetting CPU...
[INFO] Running emulation...
[INFO] Normal stop
[INFO] Instruction location = 0x2CBC
[INFO] Emulation completed